The Heart of NC Insider

Raising It in Randolph: How Trinity Became the Birthplace of Duke University

Original Brown’s Schoolhouse Building January 12 th , 1841 Building Beginnings             Brown’s Schoolhouse was its first name. The second was Union Institute Academy. Then Normal College. Then Trinity College, and finally, Duke University. Duke University sounds familiar as it is famous for a variety of things and is known to be a prestigious institution. However, when we look back through those names again, one may also sound a little familiar, Trinity. …

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Get Inspired in Randolph County

Find your Motivation in Randolph County, NC Whether it's a new year, a new feeling, or a desire for change, Randolph County offers you the motivation you need to get started and grow. Take a Hike - Trails Randolph County is home to 19 trails covering all nine municipalities. Get back to nature…

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Award-Winning Finds in the Heart of NC

For some “winning” is a room filled with trophies and medals—or that long-awaited promotion. For others, it may be a houseful of family over the holidays. Whatever your ‘winning in life’ moments are, find new ones with this list of award-winning experiences from the Heart of North Carolina. Drum…

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