
Looking to get some more information on group tours? Melody Varner serves as Tourism Marketing Coordinator for the Heart of North Carolina Visitors Bureau serving the Archdale, Asheboro, Franklinville, Liberty, Ramseur, Randleman, Seagrove, Staley, and Trinity areas.

Our group tour services include:

  • Self-guided, group, regional, and familiarization tour planning

  • Customized tour strategies, itineraries, promotion, and step-on guides

  • Promotional materials including visitor guides, brochures, maps, festival and special event information

  • Information on accommodations, attractions, advance ticket purchase, group rates, small meetings facilities, event planning, catering, dining, and shopping

  • Bus parking and public amenities

Please direct group tour inquiries to Melody using the contact information or form below:

Heart of NC Office: 500 Albamarle Rd, Asheboro, NC 27203


Phone: (800) 626-2672