Asheboro, NC - What is a heritage craft corn husk doll and how do you make one?  Learn all about it and make your very own with local craft artist, Brenda Langley.  The Harvest Corn Husk Doll Class meets on Saturday, October 24th from 10 am - 1 pm at the Randolph Arts Guild located at 123 Sunset avenue in downtown Asheboro.  In this class you will learn the time honored Native American craft complete with hand dyed husks and other natural materials including alpaca fleece, wool, and silk blends.  This class is designed for adults, children and everyone in between.  If you are 10 years old or younger please bring an adult with you.  All materials are provided.  Bring a lunch, $30 (R.A.G. members), $40 (non-members) per doll.  Payment and registration are required for enrollment.  The enrollment deadline is Wednesday, October 14.  For more information contact the guild at 336 629-0399.


Artist Bio:  Brenda Langley was born in Asheboro, raised in nearby Seagrove, and graduated from East Montgomery High School.  “The first time I heard about husk dolls I said, “I don’t want to make these ugly things.  When I saw one I realized how pretty they really are.  And I got hooked”, says Brenda.  She’s been making them for about 2 years has taught classes in Randleman and at the arts guild.  Her favorite kind of husk doll to make is the witch, though she exclaims, “any kind of doll you make you can fashion such a personality to it.”