Asheboro, NC - The Randolph Arts Guild is set to feature the work of potter Josh Floyd in the Sara Smith Self Gallery during the month of November.  An opening reception is set for Tuesday, November 3rd from 5:30 - 7:30 pm.  The Randolph Arts Guild’s Sara Smith Self Gallery is located at 123 Sunset Avenue in downtown Asheboro. The event is free and open to the public. The exhibition will be on display until Tuesday, November 24th and will close with a Lunch and Learn at Noon on the 24th. 

Josh Floyd is currently the Artist-in-Residence at the North Carolina Pottery Center. Josh has a B.A. in Art from Fairmont State University in West Virginia. In addition to completing an artist residency at the Cub Creek Foundation in Appomattox, VA Josh’s background includes serving as a studio assistant at Penland School of Craft and as a gallery assistant for Smicksburg Pottery in Pennsylvania.  He has done all this while accruing over ten years of experience making pots. 

During his exhibition at the Randolph Arts Guild Josh will be exhibiting new work that has been created during his residency at the North Carolina Pottery Center. According to Josh he is drawn not only to the simplicity and strength of forms but also to the ideas of local production and necessity. “While industrial processes and societal norms have changed our needs, there is still a beauty in well made handcrafted items that will stand the test of time. Referencing these forms is not a desire to copy them but to find my own voice within them.” 

Josh Floyd’s work will be on display until Tuesday, November 24th and the exhibition is free and open to the public. The Randolph Arts Guild is open Monday - Friday 10 am - 5 pm and Saturday from 10 am - 2 pm.  For more information please call 336-629-0399.

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The Randolph Arts Guild is “Your window to the arts in Randolph County” providing classes, workshops, exhibitions and much, much, more.  For more information please call 336-629-0399, or email
