Date: November 4, 2008
Contact: Mary Farrell
Heritage Day, an annual event of Westmoore Pottery, will be held on Saturday, November 8, from 9 am to 5 pm. This event commemorates the founding of Westmoore Pottery by David and Mary Farrell in November of 1977.
“Come visit as we celebrate our own history, plus that of North Carolina’s long ago potters,” invites potter David Farrell.
The focus of this year’s Heritage Day will be on styles of pottery that were made in North Carolina from 1755 through 1840. Displays with information about some of the potters from that time period will be scattered throughout the shop.
“People often don’t realize how many potters there were in central North Carolina during that time,” says Mary Farrell. “Already, archaeologists and historians have documented over fifty different potters working in the Piedmont area of North Carolina before 1840.” A number of others, not yet identified, undoubtedly were at work as well.
Two kiln loads of pottery by Westmoore Pottery will be opened for this day, and will be available for purchase beginning at 9 am. Pottery from those kiln loads will reflect the focus of the day.
Pottery-making will be demonstrated throughout the day. The official Westmoore Pottery scrapbooks will be on display, and a discount will be offered during Heritage Day on the purchase of all books about pottery history or historical pottery. Refreshments and door prizes will be offered as well.
Though primarily potters, the Farrells of Westmoore Pottery are also well known as preservationists of early pottery techniques.
Their interest in old styles, and in spreading their knowledge about old styles, is long standing. That’s one reason that though David or Mary will occasionally attend museum or archaeological conferences, Westmoore Pottery is rarely found at pottery or craft shows. “If we concentrate on staying at our shop here outside of Seagrove,” says potter Mary Farrell, “people can spend time here, ask endless questions, and end up really learning a lot.”
Westmoore Pottery is located at 4622 Busbee Road, just off Highway 705, halfway between the small towns of Seagrove and Robbins, in North Carolina.
There is no charge to the public for this event.