Asheboro, NC - The Randolph Arts Guild (RAG) announces additional pysanky egg dying courses.  "Pysanky" (pronounced peh-sahn-keh) is a 2000 year old Ukrainian tradition of writing on eggs with wax.  The vibrant coloring of the egg with imagery and design symbolizes good luck, posterity and the arrival of Spring.  Mother/daughter team, Karen and Grace McFetters provide you with everything you need to make oval-esque masterpieces.  All materials are included and you take home one completed egg, egg stand, and a full pysanky kit (so you can make them at home).  Join us for your choice of three classes:  Home-school students: Tues., April 8, 9 a.m.--12 p.m., $50 for RAG members, $55 for non-members; Adult Intro: Tues., Apr. 8, 5 p.m. -- 8p.m., $50 RAG members, $55 non-members; and “Advanced” Pysanky: 2 day class, Sat. -- Sun., Apr. 12 -- 13, 10 a.m -- until, $90 RAG members, $100 non-members.

All classes will meet at the Randolph Arts Guild located at 123 Sunset Avenue in downtown Asheboro.  All materials are provided.  Bring a lunch or snack if appropriate.  Payment and completed registration are required for enrollment.  The enrollment deadline for all classes is Tuesday, April 1.  For more information regarding these classes contact the Randolph Arts Guild at (336) 629 -- 0399.
