Asheboro, NC — The North Carolina Zoo will remain open while crews with the N.C. Department of Transportation repair a small section of a busy road patrons travel when going to the zoo.

Beginning Sunday, June 8th at 6 p.m. a part of N.C. 159/Zoo Parkway will be closed as crews replace three large pipes under the highway. The DOT expects to finish repairs by Thursday, June 12th.

“We appreciate the DOT working with the zoo to avoid closing the road during a time when holiday traffic and school groups would not be impacted,” says Mary Joan Pugh, Deputy Director of the N.C. Zoo.

People driving to the zoo from the north will detour to Old Cox Road which will take them to the zoo where they can enter through either the African entrance or North American entrance. The road closure will not affect people driving to the zoo from the south.

The zoo is an agency of the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, John E. Skvarla, III, Secretary; Pat McCrory, Governor.
