Asheboro, NC - Join the North Carolina Zoo in helping the environment and raise money for polar bear research at the same time. It is the My Actions/Million Actions Campaign. The goal is to do one million sustainable/green actions between now and May 1st

It is easy and free to participate. All people have to do is go to and sign up. After you do environmentally friendly actions like turn off the water while brushing your teeth, go to the website, type in the action you have completed and the North Carolina Zoo Society will receive 25 cents. All money will go towards polar bear research. When signing up for the website and recording your action make sure to select N.C. Zoo Society as your cause.

Since Earth Day is in April and zoo employees are leaders in green practices such as recycling, reusing, reducing energy efficiency, water conservation and much more they decided to launch the sustainability campaign. Since the zoo’s polar bear Patches is one of the most popular exhibits, zoo officials are thrilled to raise money for polar bear research. #NCEarthDay #DENR #NCZoo

The zoo is an agency of the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, John E. Skvarla, III, Secretary; Pat McCrory, Governor.
