Residents to have free entrance for first four weekends in August
ASHEBORO, NC – Five Asheboro-Randolph County organizations have announced a partnership in celebrating the 40th anniversary of the North Carolina Zoo. “We are very excited to team up with the Heart of North Carolina Visitors Bureau, the City of Asheboro, Randolph County and the Randolph County Economic Development Corporation to celebrate this milestone for the Zoo” said Linda Brown, President of the Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce.
During the month of August, the Boards from all five organizations will adopt proclamations recognizing the North Carolina Zoo’s 40th anniversary. “It is gratifying to have the community officially celebrate with us”, shared Dr. David Jones, Director of the North Carolina Zoo. “To see the entire county join together is truly appreciated by all of us here.”
In honor of the month-long celebration, the North Carolina Zoo will be offering free entrance to the park for all Randolph County residents during the first four weekends of August. “Just present a photo ID with a Randolph County zip code, and residents will receive free General Admission”, said Brown. The dates for free general admission are: August 2, 3; 9, 10; 16, 17; and 23, 24. Free general admission for Randolph County residents at the North Carolina Zoo does not include: food, Rio the 4-D Experience, stroller/wheelchairs rentals, gift shops, carousel, Bugs: An Epic Adventure, and the giraffe deck.
Residents of Randolph County can go to the website of the Heart of North Carolina Visitors Bureau to get information about the free weekend admission: