Asheboro, NC - Batik is a process of using a resist (usually wax) and pigment to creatively dye fabric.  Artist Debra Spinks offers a twist to this ancient technique by adding watercolor paint onto wax laden paper.  Learn to use watercolor, wax, and rice paper to create beautiful batik-style paintings.  This class is suitable for both beginner and experienced painters.  All materials will be provided; but bring your own lunch!  The class meets on Saturday, April 23 from 10:30a — 3p.  $50 (m), $55 (nm).  Enrollment deadline is Thursday, April 14. 

For more information please call the Randolph Arts Guild at 336-629-0399 or email for more information.  The Guild is located at 123 Sunset Avenue, Asheboro, NC 27203. Hours: M-F 10am -- 5pm, Saturday 10am-2pm. 

Artist Bio: Debra Spinks is a local artist whose work includes original paintings created with watercolors, oils, and acrylics on paper and canvas. Debra regularly participates at the Randolph Arts Guild as a Board member and in ongoing activities such as the weekly painters group, bi-monthly drawing group, Art on Sunset, and Randolph Ramble. She is also a founding member of the LARK Artists group and participates yearly in the LARK Handmade Holiday. Debra’s work can be found at the Moring Arts Center and Brightside Gallery.
