Contact: Jennie L Keatts or Susan Greene
910-464-2653 or 336-381-4921
Seagrove, NC..... Following the very successful Celebration of Seagrove Potters last November, the potters of Seagrove are again preparing for a community event showcasing the authenticity of the pottery capital of the US.
On April 4th, a group of Seagrove potters will gather at the North Carolina Pottery Center ( to jointly fire the double chambered wood kiln. This will offer visitors an opportunity to watch the process, as well as view potters demonstrating the process of creating pieces of work. Takuro Shibata, Director of STARworks Ceramics in nearby Star, NC, states "STARworks Ceramics is excited to donate our local clay mixed here in Star for the potters to use to make pieces to be fired in the kiln at the NC Pottery Center. This is a community event and using local clay is an element that makes this firing unique to Seagrove."
These events will coincide with the ending of the Owen/Owens Show, on April 4, the exhibition showcasing one of the original extended Seagrove families, which has been on display since January. Members of the families will be performing their wonderful mountain music and there will be an opportunity to have your catalog signed by the exhibition participants from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. This day will offer a variety of events from education to historical, all designed to offer the visitor a first hand experience of authentic Seagrove. Pam Owens, NC Pottery Center Board member and Jugtown potter states, "The state of North Carolina is amazing for it's pottery and this day will showcase not only a longstanding family tradition that spans North Carolina, but also an authentic Seagrove experience. The community kiln firing complements this exhibit and is a wonderful coming together of potters and a sharing of knowledge and ideas, an opportunity for the public to experience the community spirit of the Seagrove Potters and support the North Carolina Pottery Center."
The experience doesn't end on the 4th though. On the 18th and 19th of April, Seagrove potters are planning kiln openings and special events in their shops. The Celebration of Seagrove Potters web site and the Seagrove Area Potters Association web site will showcase all the events taking place in Seagrove over this weekend, aptly dubbed the Celebration of Spring in Seagrove, which quite aptly coincides with Earth Day!
The kiln that was fired at the NC Pottery Center on the 4th will be unloaded during the week of April 18 and each participating potter will donate one of the pieces to the Pottery Center's fund raising auction taking place on Saturday April 18th. The annual fund raising auction is a crucial event for the Pottery Center with proceeds from the auction helping to keep this very important museum and educational center open and operating. A Silent Auction will be held from 2:30 to 4:00 with light refreshments from 4:00 to 5:00. The Live Auction starts at 5:00, all the events are free and open to the public
The Celebration of Seagrove Potters is a gathering of diverse clay artists joining forces to showcase the traditional and contemporary pottery of the historic Seagrove community. Our goal is to maintain the authenticity of Seagrove pottery by working together in a community effort to promote the historical, educational and artistic aspects that can be experienced when visiting Seagrove, and to draw customers to the shops to have a first hand Seagrove experience. Our first joint event was the Celebration of Seagrove Potters, November 21-23, 2008, which was a resounding success. Please visit our blog to view our final presentation of the event. Seagrove potters working together to bring people to Seagrove!